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Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy

Helping to drive economic development in Africa through high-tech skills

Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (DARA) is a joint UK-South African development project, which aims to develop high-tech skills using radio astronomy in a number of African partner countries - Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius. DARA grew out of the understanding that radio astronomy encompasses all of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills that underpin the emergence of a strong developed economy. The project aims to train a new and diverse generation of young people to engage with these skills and play a leading role in developing self-sustaining space-sector hubs in their home countries. DARA has been developing collaborations and training programs since 2015 and we are starting a new round of training opportunities for 2024-2027, funded by the UK's International Science Partnership Fund via STFC.






New for 2024 - DARA Postdoctoral Fellowships, second call, for positions in Zambia, Namibia, and Mozambique - click here to find out more!


DARA Basic Training applications for 2024 have now closed, but keep your eyes open for the call for next year, which will go out in early 2025! 

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