South African Academic Partners

South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO)
Project Lead: Carla Mitchell
Role: SARAO Africa Programme Manager
Project Co-lead(s):
Bonita de Swart - Program Manager: Strategic Partnerships for Human Capacity Development
Dr Roelf Botha - geodesy, HartRAO

University of Pretoria (UP)
Project Lead: Prof John McKean
Research interests: very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI)

University of Cape Town (UCT)
Project Lead: Prof Sarah Blythe
Research interests: star formation, galaxy evolution, H I
Project Co-lead(s):
Prof D. J. Pisano - radio astronomy, galaxy formation and evolution, H I
Prof Mattia Vaccari - astro-informatics
Dr Lucia Marchetti - star forming galaxies, strong gravitational lensing, big data visualisation

University of South Africa (UNISA)
Project Lead: Prof James Chibueze
Research interests: radio interferometry, star formation, galaxy clusters, masers

Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA)
Project Lead: Prof Patrick Woudt
Research interests: cataclysmic variable stars, optical and radio transient surveys
Project Co-lead(s):
Dr Sally Macfarlane - IDIA Associate Director of Development and Outreach

University of Witwatersrand
Project Lead: Prof Roger Deane
Research interests: galaxy and black hole evolution
Project Co-lead(s):
Dr Nikhita Madhanpall - Science Engagement and Communications Officer, big data hackathons