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PhD| Technical University of Kenya


Masers and The Massive Star Formation


- Dr Gordon MacLeod
  (HartRAO, SA)

- Dr Khadija Bouchefry

  (HartRAO, SA)

- Prof. P. Baki

  (Technical University of Kenya, Kenya)

Mutie was a PhD student at Technical University of Kenya where he processed radio data of Methanol Masers. He is also learning about virtual observatory tools and infrared data processing which will be crucial in his research.


Prior to his PhD, he obtained a  Master of science in physics at Kenyatta University. His masters thesis was on Measurements of Radiations in  Geological and Environmental samples in Selected areas of Kibwezi District Kenya. He went on to publish a paper  this topic in in Elixir International Journal on 4th November 2014.He undertook his bachelor of education science  degree with a double major in Physics and Chemistry at Egerton University in Kenya.  Between his MSc and PhD, Mutie worked as an assistant lecturer  in the department of physical Sciences at the Chuka University of Kenya and took part in the DARA astronomy training program that led to his PhD scholarship.


Mutie plans to focus his research on Massive Star formation and star forming regions – particularly on Ultracompact and Hypercompact HII regions. He also plans to use virtual observatory environment, where the data on stars and galaxies has been compiled from observations in a variety of wavelengths — optical, radio, infrared, gamma ray, X-ray and more.


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