Annual Network Event 2017, 27-29 March
The 2017 annual network event took place in Muldersdrift near Johannesburg, South Africa.
Programme >>
... v2
Attendees List >>
... includes arrival and departure details

Annual Network Meeting, March 2017, SA

& Advanced Students Annual Network Meeting, March 2017, SA

Annual Network Meeting, March 2016, SA

Annual Network Meeting, March 2017, SA
Cradle Moon Reservation >>
... a copy of the reservation letter for guest stopping at Cradle Moon Lodge
Useful Links
Cradle Moon Lodge >>
... website - guest accommodation
We welcomed DARA's UK, SA and African partners, together with the advanced students and the 2016-7 basic student cohort.
The purpose of this event was to help build a training and research community across the countries participating in this programme. Academic staff presented their latest work on astrophysics research or instrumentation. Talks on the status of the dishes and developments in each of the AVN partner countries will keep participants informed on AVN progress. Related developments with the MeerKAT and SKA-mid arrays will also be presented.
Ekudeni >>
... website - event venue
Airport Transfer
EZShuttle - Vivian Maitsa >>
Buzz Around - Irene Small >>
Ulysses – Jaco Robbertse >>
Monday 27 March
DARA Welcome & Review - Melvin Hoare - University of Leeds
Radio Astronomy at Hertfordshire - Mark Thompson - University of Hertfordshire
Advanced Student - Mubela Mutale - University of Hertfordshire
Radio Astronomy at Rhodes - Roger Dean - Rhodes University
Activities in Ghana - Dickson Adomako - GSSTI
Advanced Student -Emmanuel Manful - University of Hertfordshire
Radio Astronomy at UCT - Claude Carignan - University of Cape Town
Activities in Madagascar - Charles Ratsifaritana - Ministry of National Education
Industrial Opportunities (part 1, part 2, part 3) - Ian Jones - Goonhilly
Industrial Opportunities - Eugene Avenant - SANSA
Tuesday 28 March
Update on the AVN - Venkat - SKA-SA
MeerKAT - Justine Jonas - Rhodes University
Radio Astronomy at Leeds - Melvin Hoare - University of Leeds
Advanced Student - Willice Obonyo - University of Leeds
Activities in Mauritius - Nadeem Oozeer - On behalf of - University of Mauritius
Radio Astronomy at Manchester - Peter Wilkinson - University of Manchester
Maser variability in high-mass star forming regions - Jabulani Paul - North-West University
Activities in Zambia - Habatwa Mweene - University of Zambia
Activities in Namibia - Rhodri Evans - University of Namibia
Advanced Training Opportunities in UK - Melvin Hoare - University of Leeds
Advanced Training Opportunities in SA - Nadeem Oozeer - SKA
Wednesday 29 March
Activities in Mozambique - Claudio Paulo - Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Activities in Kenya - Paul Baki - Technical University of Kenya
Radio Astronomy at UNISA - Lerothodi Leeuw - UNISA
Advanced Student - Noah Chanka - University of Hertfordshire
Radio Astronomy at Oxford - Angela Taylor - University of Oxford
Radio Astronomy at HartRAO - Alet de Witt - HartRAO
Advanced Student - Ann Ng’endo - HartRAO/TUK
High Performance Computing - Werner Janse van Rensburg - CHPC
Outreach part 1 - Kevin Govender - OAD
Outreach part 2 - Nadeem Oozeer - SKA-SA
Outreach part 3 - Marion West - HartRAO